TURQUA 2020 Abstract Book is Ready

by Irmak Akkaya | Mar 17, 2021
Abstracts Book of IX Turkey Quaternary Symposium (TURQUA) held in 20-23 October 2020 as webinar can be download from here.

Abstracts Book of IX Turkey Quaternary Symposium (TURQUA) held in 20-23 October 2020 as webinar can be download from here.


İTÜ Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences


Eurasia Institute of Earth Sciences (EIES) was established in 1997 as a research and graduate academic institute at the Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. It was designed by a group of scientists lead by Prof. Dr. İhsan Ketin who was one of the most important milestones of Turkish geological research. The aim was to carry research under one roof with a multidisciplinary way. The national and international reputation of the institute continues since then. The Institute began teaching in 1998.

EIES brings together scientists and tools necessary to address and solve problems related to our Earth. We largely focus on hard and soft rock geology, geomorphology, tectonics, Quaternary geology (with several cosmogenic surface dating applications), climate change and paleoclimate, oceanography, atmospheric and environmental sciences, archeology, ecology and evolution where we offer related graduate level courses since 1997. Scientists and students all around the world are welcome to do research in our institute.