26 Mar
Aktif Etkinlik

Seminar : Abortive formation of a foreland basin: The impact of flat subduction on the evolution of the central Andes

19 Mar
Pasif Etkinlik

Seminar : Advancing Earth Science Research and Education Together

26 Feb
Pasif Etkinlik

Seminar: Atmospheric Rivers in the White Continent: Scientific Discovery and Camping Adventure

24 Apr
Pasif Etkinlik

Assoc Prof Nazım Kemal Üre

Dear Earth Scientists, As part of the AYBE Seminars, our guest Nazım Kemal Üre will be giving a seminar titled "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" on Wednesday, April 24th, at 13:30. The seminar will take place in the amphi, "Professor Dr. Aral OKAY", of the Eurasian Institute of Earth Sciences building. We look forward to your participation.

07 Feb
Pasif Etkinlik

Rafet E. Alemdar MSc Defense

31 Jan
Pasif Etkinlik

Ayda HASHEMI PhD Defense

The thesis defense of Khadijeh Ayda HASHEMI, a doctoral student in the Geodynamics Program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mehmet Akif Sarıkaya, will take place on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at 14:00 in Amphi 100 on the ground floor of the Eurasia Earth Sciences Institute Building. Your attendance is welcome.

23 Jan
Pasif Etkinlik

Furkan Karabacak MSc Defense

The thesis defense of Furkan Karabacak, a master's student in the Geodynamics Program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tolga Görüm, will take place on January 23, 2024, at 14:00 in Amphi 100 on the ground floor of the Eurasian Earth Sciences Institute Building. Your attendance is welcome.

18 Jan
Pasif Etkinlik

Deniz Inan MSc Defense

The thesis defense of Deniz İnan, a master's student in the Geology Program under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Tolga Görüm, will take place on January 18, 2024, at 14:00 in Amphi 100 on the ground floor of the Eurasian Earth Sciences Institute Building. Your attendance is welcome.