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Önemli Makaleler
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nazlı Olğun Kıyak
Olgun N.,
Tarı U., Balcı N., Altunkaynak Ş., Gürarslan I., Deniz Yakan S., Thalasso F., Astargo-Espana M.S, Cabrol L., Lavargne C., Hoffmann L., 2024. Lithological controls on lake water biogeochemistry in Maritime Antarctica. Science of the Total Environment, 912, 168562.
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ömer Yetemen
Istanbulluoglu, E.,
O. Yetemen,
E.R. Vivoni, H.A. Gutierrez-Jurado and R.L. Bras (2008). Eco-geomorphic implications of hillslope aspect: Inferences from analysis of landscape morphology in central New Mexico, Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L14403.
Kumari, N., P.M. Saco, J.F. Rodriguez, S.A. Johnstone, A. Srivastava, K.P. Chun, and
O. Yetemen
(2020). The grass is not always greener on the other side: Seasonal reversal of vegetation greenness in aspect-driven semiarid ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(15), e2020GL088918.
Saco, P.M., Istanbulluoglu, E. (2019). Ecohydrology controls the geomorphic response to climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(15), 8852-8861.
Yetemen, O.
, E. Istanbulluoglu and A.R. Duvall (2015). Solar radiation as a global driver of hillslope asymmetry: Insights from an ecogeomorphic landscape evolution model. Water Resources Research, 51, 9843-9861.
Yetemen, O.
, E. Istanbulluoglu, J.H. Flores-Cervantes, E.R. Vivoni and R.L.Bras (2015). Ecohydrologic role of solar radiation on landscape evolution. Water Resources Research, 51, 1127-1157.
Prof. Dr. Hans Jensen Thybo
Artemieva, I.M.,
Thybo, H.
, Shulgin, A., 2016. Geophysical constraints on geodynamic processes at convergent margins: A global perspective. Gondwana Research, 33, 4-23, doi: 10.1016/
Yang, H., Chemia, C., Artemieva, I.M., and
Thybo, H.
2017. Control on off-rift magmatism: A case study of the Baikal Rift Zone, Earth Plan. Sci. Lett.,
, 501-509, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.11.040
Thybo, H
& Artemieva, I. M., 2013, Moho and magmatic underplating in continental lithosphere. Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2013.1005.1032.
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and C.A. Nielsen, 2009, Magma-compensated crustal thinning in continental rift zones. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature07688.
Thybo, H.
, 2006, The heterogeneous Upper Mantle Low Velocity Zone,
, 416, 53-79.
Prof. Dr. Tahsin Attila Çiner
Çiner, A
., Deynoux, M., Ricou, S., Koşun, E. (1996). Cyclicity in the middle Eocene Çayraz carbonate formation, Haymana Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey.
Paleogeog, Paleoclim, Paleoecol
, 121, 3-4, 313-329.
Çiner, A
., Koşun, E., Deynoux, M. (2002). Fluvial, evaporitic and shallow marine facies architecture, depositional evolution and cyclicity in the Sivas Basin (Miocene), Central Turkey.
J. of Asian Earth Sciences
, 2, 147-165.
Çiner, A.,
Sarıkaya, M.A., Yıldırım, C. (2015). Late Pleistocene piedmont glaciations in the Eastern Mediterranean; insights from cosmogenic
Cl dating of hummocky moraines in southern Turkey.
Quaternary Science Reviews
, 116. 44-56. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.03.017
Çiner, A.,
Doğan, U., Yıldırım, C., Akçar, N., Ivy-Ochs, S., Alfimov, V., Kubik,
P.W., Schlüchter, C. (2015). Quaternary uplift rates of the Central Anatolian Plateau, Turkey: Insights from cosmogenic isochron-burial nuclide dating of the Kızılırmak River terraces.
Quaternary Science Reviews
, 107, 81-97. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.10.007
Çiner, A.,
Yıldırım, C., Sarıkaya, M.A., Seong, Y.B., Byung, Y.Y. (2019).
Be cosmogenic dating of glacial erratic boulders on Horseshoe Island in western Antarctic Peninsula confirm the rapid deglaciation in Early Holocene.
Antarctic Science
, 31, 6, 319-331. doi:10.1017/S0954102019000439
Doç.Dr. Orkan Özcan
Özcan, O.,
& Özcan, O., (2021). Automated UAV based multi-hazard assessment system for bridges crossing seasonal rivers. Smart Structures and Systems, vol.27, no.1, 35-52.
Akay, S. S. ,
Özcan, O.,
Sanli, F. B. , Görüm, T., Şen, Ö. L. , & Bayram, B., (2020). UAV-based evaluation of morphological changes induced by extreme rainfall events in meandering rivers. Plos One, vol.15, no.11.
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ali Mohammedi
Mohammadi, A.
, Burg, J-P., Guillong, M., Quadt, A. (2017). Arc magmatism witnessed by detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, Hf isotopes and provenance analysis of Late Cretaceous-Miocene sandstones of onshore western Makran (SE Iran). American Journal of Science, Vol. 317(8), p. 941-964. Doi:10.2475/08.2017.03
Mohammadi, A.
, Burg, J-P., Winkler, W. (2016). Detrital zircon and provenance analysis of Eocene-Oligocene strata in the South Sistan Suture Zone, SE Iran: implications on the tectonic setting. Lithosphere, Vol. 8(6), p. 615-632. Doi:10.1130/L538.1
Mohammadi, A.
, Burg, J-P., Winkler, W., Ruh, J., Quadt, A. (2016). Detrital zircon and provenance analysis of Late Cretaceous-Miocene onshore Iranian Makran strata: implications on the tectonic setting. Geological Society of America Bulletin, Vol. 128(9-10), p. 1481-1499. Doi:10.1130/B31361.1
Mohammadi, A.
, Burg, J-P., Bouilhol, P., Ruh, J. (2016). U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of Zahedan and Shah Kuh plutons, southeast Iran: Implication for closure of the South Sistan Suture Zone. Lithos, Vol. 248, p. 293-308.
Ruh, J., Hirt, A., Burg, J-P.,
Mohammadi, A.
(2014). Forward propagation of the Zagros Simply Folded Belt constrained from magnetostratigraphy of growth strata. Tectonics,
Vol. 33(8),
p. 1534-1551.
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Georg Johannes Schwamborn
Mohammadi, A., Lak, R.,
Schwamborn, G.,
Firouz, A. K., Çiner, A., & Khatouni, J. D. (2021). Depositional environments and salt-thickness variations in Urmia Lake (NW Iran): Insight from sediment-core studies. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 91(3), 296-316.
Schwamborn, G.,
Manthey, C., Diekmann, B., Raschke, U., Zhuravlev, A., Prokopiev, A. V., & Schirrmeister, L. (2020). Late Quaternary sedimentation dynamics in the Beenchime-Salaatinsky Crater, Northern Yakutia. arktos, 6(1), 75-92.
Schwamborn, G.,
Hartmann, K., Wünnemann, B., Rösler, W., Wefer-Roehl, A., Pross, J., ... & Diekmann, B. (2020). Sediment history mirrors Pleistocene aridification in the Gobi Desert (Ejina Basin, NW China). Solid Earth, 11(4), 1375-1398.