Cerennaz Yakupoğlu | Ara 27, 2022
Aydoğan Avcıoğlu, a Ph.D. student at Solid Earth Department, received The 2022 Outstanding Student and Ph.D. candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award in the presentation entitled: ‘’Seasonal influences on weathering processes in Turkish Badlands: Laboratory-based climate experiments’’ in the European Geoscience Union General Assembly (EGU).
Ph.D. Candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award – EGU 2022
Aydoğan Avcıoğlu, a Ph.D. student at Solid Earth Department, received The 2022 Outstanding Student and Ph.D. candidate Presentation (OSPP) Award in the presentation entitled: ‘’Seasonal influences on weathering processes in Turkish Badlands: Laboratory-based climate experiments’’ in the European Geoscience Union General Assembly (EGU). Aydoğan Avcıoğlu is supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tolga Görüm and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ömer Yetemen, faculty members of the Eurasian Institute of Earth Sciences.